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Month: June 2021

Releasing Human Potential

In its truest form, religion is intended to release human potential and bring unity to the human family. In the last Tea House discussion, Suzan and David Gould explored what  form of education will enable each and all of the human family to realize their potential- “as mines rich in gems of inestimable value”- and how such a process contributes to the advancement of  communities  and our world. You can watch the discussion on YouTube or listen to the audio below, or on the Sifter of Dust podcast stream at the various podcast outlets.


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Introduction to the Writings of Baha’u’llah

The Writings of Baha’u’llah are awe-inspiring, majestic, and without peer in all of human history. They are unlike any words that anyone has ever read, and create new and wonderful feelings and insights that truly reflect their character as the “creative Word of God”.  In this week’s Tea House discussion, Kendal will share some of his own experience in studying Baha’u’llah’s words and introduce some of His major Writings. He will then lead a structured discussion so that we may hear input from others on their experiences as well. We hope this will act as an introduction and inspire others to study His Words!

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