A major theme in the Baha’i writings is the significance of spiritual transformation, how the purpose of religion- and indeed every Revelation of God- is to transform human hearts so that people think differently, value things differently, and then express that transformation in the world. Baha’u’llah describes this in many passages of His Writings and indeed expresses it to be the purpose of His Revelation- to “effect a transformation” in the “whole character of mankind” that would manifest itself in both an inner dimension and the outer dimension of our society and its values.
Steve Sarowitz is in a unique position to talk about this because of his own personal history, which he shared in a recent Modern Perspectives talk. Steve had the unique experience of almost simultaneously discovering the astonishing beauty of Baha’u’llah’s Faith, while at the same time becoming one of the richest people in the world when his company went public on the stock exchange. In the presentation, he talks about how this has led him to view his wealth as a vehicle for the improvement of society. His inner transformation is now producing an outward effect. We thank Steve for sharing with us his remarkable story in such an authentic and open way.