If you want to explore the Baha’i Faith on your own (and we highly encourage you to do so!), there are several good options. Often, when learning about something new, it’s helpful to read through a straightforward book that gives you the lay of the land and explains who is who and the basic ideas. Below you will find links to several introductory books that can serve that purpose.
If you want a multi-media introduction, there are also several sources and those are listed first below, with direct links to the videos they describe.
Baha’u’llah’s Faith is rich and profound, but it’s very intuitive and everyone can appreciate the beauty of its teachings if you take a little time to do so. We will continue to update this page as we come across sources that we find were helpful to people in their exploration!
Introductory Videos

Light to the World
As part of the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Birth of Baha'u'llah, the International Baha'i community produced this video about the life of Baha'u'llah and His impact on peoples around the world. It's really a remarkable demonstration of the diversity of the Baha'i Faith and its impact on people. Runs about 50 minutes but well-worth it! Click on picture to be taken directly to the video.

Dawn of the Light
Baha'i's also celebrated the 200th anniversary of the birth of the Bab in 2019 (Baha'u'llah's forerunner and herald of His Message). The "Dawn of the Light" was similarly produced to highlight the Baha'i community around the world and tell the story of the Bab. Click on picture for video!

Baha'i Blog
Baha'i Blog is an international multi-media effort based in Australia that produces some wonderful content. They particularly focus on highlighting Baha'i musicians all over the world who are inspired by the Revelation, but they have also produced a simple introductory video.. They frequently partner with the Baha'i actor Rainn Wilson ("Dwight" on the "The Office") as Rainn interviews Baha'is and friends about their spiritual journeys. He also recently produced an animated introduction to the Baha'i Faith that can be found at Baha'i Blog.
Basic Introductory Books

Baha'u'llah and the New Era
Written at the beginning of the 20th century by the British physician John E. Esslemont, Baha'u'llah and the New Era is the classic introductory book to the Baha'i Faith. It has been updated over multiple editions but has retained the warmth and clarity of the original. Always a great place to start. The picture links to the free version at Baha'i reference library but it is also available in hard copy from Amazon and similar sites.

Baha'i Faith: An Introduction
Written by Gloria Faizi, this is the most concise introductory book on the Baha'i Faith. It is more of a "just the facts" approach, but is short and easy to read. The picture links to Baha'i bookstore where it can be purchased for $6. Its available but more expensive on Amazon.

Thief in the Night
This entertaining book written from a Christian perspective is included because of its connection to Philadelphia. William Sears was for some years a radio and television personality in Philadelphia, hosting a children's program on WCAU called "In the Park". He left his aspiring career after he became a Baha'i and traveled all over the world serving it until his death in 1992. He was a wonderful and very entertaining writer, authoring several books on Baha'i topics. "Thief in the Night' is his most famous and is cast as a mystery novel searching for the return of Christ.
Formal Statements

The Promise of World Peace
The Universal House of Justice, the international body that governs the Baha'i community, wrote a statement to "the peoples of the world" about the necessity and promise of world peace. It outlines our unique place in history and the distinctive needs of our time. Drawing on the Baha'i perspective on multiple themes, the statement summarizes the Baha'i perspective on world events and promises that our world is not hopeless, but moving towards a peaceful world civilization. Click on the picture to read an online copy of the statement.

Statement on Baha'u'llah
At the centenary of Baha'u'llah's passing, in 1992, the International Baha'i community published a statement summarizing the life and teachings of Baha'u'llah. It's a wonderful and eloquent presentation and well worth reading. The statement is linked to the picture.

One Common Faith
The International Baha'i Community published this statement presenting the Baha'i perspective on the world and the world's religions, urging humanity to re-think some of the assumptions that have led to religious conflict in the modern age. The statement is linked to the picture and includes a short forward by the Universal House of Justice explaining the purpose of the document.

The Prosperity of Humankind
Some of the critical challenges in our world surround the issue of "social and economic development". The so-called "developed" world has established a pattern that defines "prosperity" in mostly materialistic terms, while using up a disproportionate share of the world's resources. But what should be our definition of "prosperity"? What should be our goal in social and economic development, a process that most of the world is still working to achieve? This important statement of the International Baha'i Community addresses these themes. Picture links to the statement.