Need a little spiritual reboot? The 19 Day Challenge is a program of spiritual renewal that combines inspirational quotes and music with short introductory essays to help structure the content.  It lasts for the 19 days of the Baha’i fasting period- from Sunday March 1st to March 19th- and is a way for both Baha’is and our friends and neighbors to experience of time of increased reflection and attention to spiritual ideas and truths.  Doing the Challenge is easy. Simply sign up for our Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram feeds, or read the blog posts directly on the website and follow along!  Take a little time each morning and evening for meditation, using the posts as inspiration. If you wish, add other meditative practices you do, or even other sources of inspiration.  We will be drawing particularly on sacred texts- primarily the Bible, the Quran, and the Baha’i Writings- but you may have other sources of inspiration you find valuable to your spiritual growth.  At the same time, try to give up a bad habit. For Baha’is, they will be abstaining from  food and drink from sunrise to sunset, but if you are not bound by the obligations of the Fast, this may be an opportunity to give up something else. We all have something we should probably stop doing!  But the point is to use it as a time of spiritual renewal and focus on yourself and your personal growth.