Activities of the Baha'is of Northeast PA
We live in a different world than our ancestors. The world we live in is inter-dependent. Communities and people depend on each other and we need to have common values that we can trust. World peace and world civilization start with shared common values. A major challenge in our world is to educate ourselves and our children to live in the world that exists, not one that existed hundreds of years ago. We need to learn to see ourselves as “world citizens” and gain the values that can bring peace to our new world. The Baha’i Faith is about that process- the educating of humanity to live and thrive in a world of peace and progress.
Religions don’t change the world through political or economic change. They change the world by changing people’s hearts- giving them a vision of themselves and their society that is transcendent and purposeful. It’s a slower process, but one that is deeper and more profound. The message of Baha’u’llah- God’s latest Revelation to all humanity- asks us to see ourselves as part of one human family- all over the world- and the great religions of humanity as part of one Faith, unfolding throughout history. Love of all people- no matter their birth religion, their race, their level of education and material development- is now a core teaching of the Faith of God.
In small and big communities all over the world, Baha’is are carrying out this profound change through our core activities– designed to inspire a sense of love and unified purpose among a community. Baha’is do not restrict their “community” to only Baha’is, but invite all our neighbors and friends to join us in learning to apply the transcendent principles of true religion to our life and our families.
Our core activities are open to all. We don’t have large churches or places of worship in our local communities- most of these activities occur in public spaces or in people’s homes. We spread our message through personal friendships and interaction- one heart speaking to another heart. People get to know each other, ask questions, search for answers, and build trust and friendship.
Devotional gatherings of various forms occur regularly in northeast PA. They are open to all and people of all backgrounds and faiths. We believe in all the revelations of God, so all scriptures are “holy”. The Baha’i writings are magnificent and in these devotional gatherings, people can also experience their beauty and heart-touching power.
Children’s classes are open to all children and teach the highest virtues of humanity – honesty, trustworthiness, justice, and love of all people. If you are looking for a way to spiritually educate your children but want to give them a form of spiritual education that is more universal, these are wonderful.
Study circles are a great place for adults and youth to start learning. We study brief passages from the Baha’i Writings, bring in other scriptures when appropriate, and ask spiritual questions together- questions about the purpose of our lives and how we can better serve our world.
As communities evolve, we start junior youth and youth activities. Junior youth- ages 11-15- are at a critical stage of human development. They are moving from being children to experiencing all the challenges of youth and adulthood. The junior youth programs seek to arm our kids with the virtues and principles that prepare them to take on these challenges. Often they are taught by youth- young people who have recently gone through the same transition.
These activities are open to all. You will not be pressured to “join” anything or asked for money. You are invited to investigate for yourself- go one your own spiritual search- and decide what you believe. We only ask you to open your heart and mind to something new, to explore with us. The ability and responsibility for each of us to investigate truth on our own is a core tenet of our faith.
Consider exploring with us!