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Month: February 2021

Welcome to the 19 Day Challenge!

Welcome to the 19 Day Challenge! Over the next 19 days, we are going to collectively explore some deeply profound and beautiful ideas, arguably the most significant ideas in the history of the human race.

Let’s start the Challenge now by talking about the Buddha, who brought a message to humanity over 2500 years ago.  To give context, he lived about 500 years before Christ, over 1000 years before Muhammad, and 2400 years before Baha’u’llah.  He lived in a period known to historians as the Axial Age, when human societies all over the world seemed to awaken to their inner selves. This change was reflected in other great teachers of that time, like Confucius in China, or Socrates and Plato in Greece. The Buddha was distinctive because he focused on the individual spiritual path, and his teachings were foundational to understanding the spiritual path that other great spiritual teachers would further elucidate. 

The Buddha lived in India, under the shadow of the Himalayas. His religion came out of Hinduism, the ancient and diverse religion of India, and would spread all over Asia. It would come to have a powerful influence on China, Japan, and other great cultures, in addition to India itself.  After meditating on the plight of humanity, the Buddha outlined a simple path to “enlightenment” and ultimately “Nirvana”- a state of spiritual bliss, and the end goal for all human efforts. His path was not completely new. The Buddha himself referred to previous “Buddhas” who had illuminated “the path” but whose names are lost to history. From our perspective, he was the first great teacher to outline a personal spiritual path so clearly.   

The Buddha said that the basis of human suffering is that people are ignorant of the true reality of the world, and for that reason, they place their emotions and attachments on the wrong things.  He asked people to understand that the world we experience is always dynamic and changing, that it is transient in its essence, that it is in constant motion. All people get old and die, beautiful things wither and turn to dust, tragic things occur on a daily basis. People were ignorant because they attached themselves to the elements of this world, and they were always disappointed because nothing ever stayed the same.  Life in such a world was a life of constant disappointment, constant suffering. 

The solution the Buddha outlined is to detach yourselves from the transient elements of the world and of your own self.   If a person is able to do that completely, they would experience a state of extreme joy, peace, and calm. They would no longer be battered by the winds of change that constantly blow through the world, and would live in peace with all that is, because they no longer need the world to be happy. In such a state, the aspect of their self that attached them to the world would be like a candle that had been blown out, an image that would be taken up by mystical thinkers for the next 2000 years.

Similar to the Buddha, Baha’u’llah would teach that the process of human moral and spiritual growth was the process of people increasingly being able to distinguish between the “transient” from the “eternal”, and then building our lives, even our societies, on that which is truly real.  But unlike the Buddha, who focused on the individual and was less attentive to the needs of society in general, Baha’u’llah said that spiritual transformation was a process that must, in this time in history, play out in service to all humanity.  Indeed, our spiritual growth is organic with the world and the people around us. Conquering one’s self becomes a pre-requisite to the most beneficial forms action in the world.

The sense of love and peace that the Buddha described would become known in later ages as the “love of God”, the ultimate motive power of all human striving. The spiritual path was about replacing all transient desires with the “love of God” and then being motivated by that “higher love”.  The love of God becomes a power of unity as we begin to see all people and all creation as an expression of that love. 

In this year’s Challenge, we will start with the idea of the love of God and the earlier posts of the 19 days will be devoted to exploring its meaning.

 Please join us on Thursday evening March 4th at 7pm for a zoom-based discussion of the posts. And please share with others! 

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What is the love of God?

Jesus said it was like house that you build within yourself that can withstand the floods of life.  Baha’u’llah said it was the most important single thing for humans to obtain. The love of God has built communities all around the world, and remains the motive force behind countless acts of self-sacrifice and virtue in our world.  It is the power that makes people become independent of all things, and a source of true maturity and detachment.

In the 19 Day Challenge, the passages this week will focus on the nature of the love of God and how we can attain it. In our Thursday night Tea House, we will discuss some of those passages, and together try to answer the question- what is the love of God?- and why is it important.

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The Spiritual Path

In our last Tea House, Peter Gyulay joined us from Australia and discuss the nature of spiritual life and how we can follow a spiritual path. Peter is a Baha’i author, novelist, and teacher who has written several articles on on spiritual growth and development as well as his own book- “Walking the Spiritual Path with Practical Feet”. He studied philosophy academically and has a wide-knowledge of the great religions of humanity and how they relate to the Baha’i teachings.

We had a wide ranging and enriching discussion. You may find the youtube version on the Sifter of Dust YouTube site and the audio attached, or you can subscribe to the Sifter of Dust podcast. We hope you enjoy it!


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19 Day Challenge is Back!

On Monday March 1st, Baha’is all over the world will begin the 19 day period of spiritual renewal and fasting.  It’s a time of recommitment to spiritual ideals, fellowship with others, and love. It ends with the first day of spring, the physical period of renewal in our world’s seasonal calendar.

Sifter of Dust hosts a program called the 19 Day Challenge that encourages our friends who are not fasting to still join in with us in this period of spiritual renewal.  Every day, morning and evening, we post an inspirational passage taken from the world’s great scriptures, for reflection and meditation. Often, they are associated with music.  Some passages are for memorization, which heightens the experience of spiritual depth.  The program ends on March 19th, the last day of fasting (and the first day of spring!).  Baha’i’s then come together as an entire community to celebrate that day- a day known as “Naw Ruz” or “New Day”.

All of us need a period of dedicated spiritual renewal, and through this program, we invite you to join us in our period of renewal by doing the 19 Day Challenge. Just follow our posts on the main site at or follow us on Twitter/Instagram/Facebook- and do the Challenge!

This year, we are also dedicating our Tea House programs on Thursday night for discussion of the posts that week. That will give us all a chance to discuss some of the insights we had. For more details, check out the 19 Day Challenge page.

For a sample of one of the posts we used last year- see here

Please join us for the Challenge! And invite your friends!

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God and Math

Early mathematicians like Pythagoras were fascinated with the mystery of numbers and believed that they were the basis of the world, revering them with an almost mystical significance. As we have learned more about the world, the truths of this idea has become more prominent- the world is based on mathematical principles.  In thisTea House session, Vahid Houston Ranjbar presented on how the nature of the world can best be understood, not as material objects, but the relations between things, relations that are themselves eternal. We then discussed some of the implications of this idea in light of the Baha’i teachings. No firm conclusions were drawn, but an enlightening discussion was shared by all. The video has been uploaded to youtube at this link and the audio is below and on the sifterofdust podcast.  Enjoy!

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Introduction to Shoghi Effendi and the Universal House of Justice

As part the Tea House, we did three separate sessions introducing the major sources of the Baha’i Writings so that people new to those writings could have a road map to exploring them. The final introduction we did was on the writings of Shoghi Effendi and the Universal House of Justice.  In this presentation, Dr Williams gave a brief presentation on who Shoghi Effendi was and his major writings, punctuated with discussion from among the friends present. We then reviewed the Universal House of Justice and highlighted some of the letters of the House of Justice. These presentations and discussion were intended to be informative and help people new to the Baha’i Faith get oriented to some of the major sources of the Baha’i Writings. We hope you find them helpful in your exploration!

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Exploring the Deeper Connections

The harmony of science and religion is a major teaching of Baha’u’llah. It is the idea that religion, shorn of superstition and dogma, and the truths of science- both present to us truths about reality. Vahid Houston Ranjbar is.a physicist who has taken seriously these ideas and frequently writes about them.  In our next Tea House session, we will be joined by Vahid to hear some of his thoughts on the harmony of science and religion followed by an open discussion. The Tea House is a discussion series on intended for people exploring the Baha’i teachings. All are welcome!

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Judging the Claim

When someone makes a claim like Jesus or Baha’u’llah, it puts a challenge before all of us. How do we approach such a claim? If it is true, it comes from a Source high above what we have experienced, so we need to evaluate our prejudices and assumptions as we explore it. We need to take a humble and open-minded approach.  In a recent presentation for Modern Perspectives. Dr Ghaneh Fananapazir brought a deep knowledge of the Bible to explore the question of whether we would have considered Jesus’ claim seriously if we lived in His lifetime. How do you judge something before it is popular? Watch it here.

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Introduction to the Writings of ‘Abdu’l-Baha’

‘Abdu’l-Baha’ is of indescribable importance to the Revelation of Baha’u’llah and one of the most remarkable humans to ever live.  For anyone interested in life’s most important questions, ‘Abdu’l-Baha’ is a friend, a guide, and a loving father. He is beloved by everyone who has taken the opportunity to know him. As part of the Tea House program on Sifter of Dust, we hosted an introduction and orientation to the life and writings of ‘Abdu’l-Baha’. A video version is available on the Sifter of Dust youtube site. We hope you enjoy the presentation and discussion!

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